170–186 | Further Sayings
These sayings are recorded in a manuscript previously conserved in Antequera and now in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid. See Pacho (1997: 40–41).
170. Cuanto más te apartas de las cosas terrenas, tanto más te acercas a las celestiales y más hallas en Dios.
The more you draw apart from earthly things,
the more you draw near to heavenly things,
and the more you discover in God.
171. Quien supiere morir a todo, tendrá vida en todo.
A person who can die to all things,
will have life in all things.
172. Apártate del mal, obra bien y busca la paz.50
Shun what is evil,
do good
and seek peace.
173. Quien se queja o murmura ni es perfecto ni aun buen cristiano.
Someone who complains or grumbles
is neither perfect
nor even a good Christian.
174. Humilde es el que se esconde en su propia nada y se sabe dejar a Dios.
That person is humble
who hides within their nothingness,
and knows how to surrender
into God’s hands.
175. Manso es el que sabe sufrir al prójimo y sufrirse a sí mismo.
That person is meek
who can bear with their neighbour
and with themselves.
176. Si quieres ser perfecto, vende tu voluntad y dala a los pobres de espíritu, y ven a Cristo por la mansedumbre y humildad y síguelo hasta el Calvario y sepulcro.
If you wish to be perfect,
sell your own will
and give it to the poor in spirit,
and come to Christ
through meekness and humility,
and follow him to Calvary and the grave.
177. Quien de sí propio se fía, peor es que el demonio.
A person whose trust
is in themselves
is worse than the devil.
178. Quien a su prójimo no ama, a Dios aborrece.
A person who does not love their neighbour
finds God abhorrent.
179. Quien obra con tibieza, cerca está de la caída.
A person whose good actions
are half-hearted
is close to a fall.
180. Quien huye de la oración, huye de todo lo bueno.
A person who flees from prayer
is fleeing from all that is good.
181. Mejor es vencerse en la lengua que ayunar a pan y agua.
Mastering your tongue is better
than fasting on bread and water.
182. Mejor es sufrir por Dios que hacer milagros.
Suffering for God is better
than working miracles.
183. ¡Oh, qué bienes serán aquellos que gozaremos con la vista de la Santísima Trinidad!
O how great are the delights we shall taste
on beholding the Blessed Trinity!
184. No tengas sospecha contra tu hermano, que perderás la pureza de corazón.
Do not be suspicious of your brother,
or you will lose purity of heart.
185. De trabajos, cuanto más, mejor.
When it comes to trials,
the more the better.
186. ¿Qué sabe quien no puede padecer por Cristo?
What does a person know
who cannot suffer for Christ?